Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Super Heroes

              As I write I would like to say first that you remember I am not a critic. I don't write because somebody pays me to (although that would be nice). I write because I think that sometimes I might actually have something interesting that I would like to share. I don't write to feel empowered, by putting things, or people down. That is not my idea of what people need to read about. There is enough problems with people in their everyday lives that they don't need to read me putting things down. I write because, like all people, I have an opinion on a particular subject. My views and reviews are mine to share and just like me you will have an opinion on what I write. You will agree, disagree, or be indifferent. Perhaps, though, my views and reviews will put you onto something that wasn't there before. Enough preaching on to the blog.

              I have been watching the show "No Ordinary Family, and I must say that I thoroughly enjoy it. It has fun characters, interesting plot points, and of course super powers. I am a huge fan of superhero movies, TV, shows, and if I read more of them I'm sure I would love comic books. OK back to the show. I watch the show without expectations of it having to live up to a show like Heroes, or a movie like The Dark Knight. Instead I watch it like I am watching a live action Incredibles. A family based show that happens to have a superhero twist.
              The show has not "wowed" me, it has not made me say "This is the best show on TV", but what it has done is given me a chance to see a superhero every week. I wouldn't say that it has me saying that I don't need anymore superhero movies, but it does have me saying that every time I watch, I really enjoy. It's just plain good old fashioned fun, to see a show that is geared toward real family problems, with a super spin. The show could use some work, but what show couldn't?
               There is nothing quite like it on TV right now. It's fun to watch in a world of Law and Order's, The Whole Truth's, The Defender's, Blue Bloods, Detroit 187's. Some of these shows I actually watch. But sometimes I don't want to see a cops and robbers, I want to see a good versus evil. That's all it is. Every superhero story is that same battle. But in a world of superheroes without real family life ie. Iron Man, The Dark Knight, The Incredible Hulk, X-Men, it is fun too see how all this would be different if it was a family that had to deal with the same types of super villains.
               As an enormous fan of Unbreakable (quite possibly my favorite superhero movie of all time) I have enjoyed watching the personal struggles of people that are trying to deal with the sudden burden of super powers. Now all movies have a touch of such things, but they don't really have the chance, or ability too. You can only cram so much into a two and a half hour movie. Luckily for No Ordinary Family, they have the chance to develop the family on a weekly basis. If it were just a family show my interest would be minimal, but you throw in superpowers and I'm willing to give it a chance.
             I would say that despite it not being a show that has floored me every week, it has had the decency to at least make me interested enough to watch the following week. I don't know how long it will last, and I really don't care. Because right now, I look forward to watching No Ordinary Family, as they struggle to be an ordinary family every week.


  1. So I was wicked exited for this one...because (like you) I am a sucker for anything that has to do with any sort of super powers. Now, I THINK, this has somethiong to do with the fact that I was underwhelmed. I must have built it up in my head and expected so much more than I was given when the show finally aired. If I was to be brutally honest, I just plain miss "Heroes" like reeeeeaaally miss it. And in the end I have so many shows that I am loyal to, that when the time came to choose what had to go on the chopping block I went with this one. After reading your blog however, I wonder: did I make the right move? Was I too hasty? Is it too late to give it another chance?

  2. I understand where you are coming from. It is not comparable to Heroes, but for me that was never a question. I didn't expect that. After all it is about a family, not about people that are super that also have relationships. Whether they are related or are in love, or whatever other type of relationship you can think of. These people you know already had pre-exsisting relationships as a family, then suddenly are burdened with becoming super. Can they grow together or will it push them further apart. I enjoyed the Incredibles, which is what I compare it too. It's not the most intense, the most exciting, or the most clever, but it is interesting. And sometimes that is enough to keep me interested.
