Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cop Shows

            I can't say that I've ever really been a fan of cop shows. I'm not against them, (which you'll find out) but I just have not been a avid watcher of them. I might have something to do with me being a big fan of the story that has a continuous plot. The carry over from week to week is what makes me want to watch more. It's not the only show type that I enjoy, but typically one that I am more prone to watch. I would describe it as I like a show that stands alone each episode, but nothing peaks my interest like a show that will leave me wanting more each week. Most cop shows use the case by case basis. I can tolerate it, but I would feel better if there were more of a roll-over effect.
           Now having said all of that I have been enjoying some of the new cop shows that have been on. Over the summer there was Rookie Blue, now there are Law and Order LA, as well as Blue Bloods and Detroit 187. I watched Rookie Blue, and I currently watch Blue Bloods, and Detroit 187. Never have I been into the Law and Orders, even though with the new one I really am a fan of some of the cast members. I just haven't given it a chance. Not that I wouldn't I just haven't. Consequently, I have given a chance to the others that I have named and not because of the star power. I really don't have a good reason as to why I suddenly jumped on board, but I am now on board and so far I have been pretty happy.
            Rookie Blue was enjoyable. I would say it was my least favorite of the cop shows that I have been watching, but it was not bad. Some interesting characters, as well as cases. There were a couple cases that were excellent, and my have been the thing to put me onto future cop shows. I also was a fan of growing with the rookie cops. It gave me that sense of importance for next weeks episode, because you really wanted to see if these rookies could actually handle what they had started. There were minor plot points that made it intense for me, but I would by no means ever say that they were so mind bending that I had to let out an audible exclamation. Nevertheless I stayed true to the show and watched it through to the conclusion of the season. Will I watch again if it appears next summer? Sure why not, I think it could warrant the DVRing of episodes to watch at my leisure.
            There is really one thing that made me watch Blue Bloods. I can't say it was Tom Selleck. It was none other then the former NKOTB member, Donnie Wahlberg. What? That's probably what is going through your mind at the moment, but let me remind you of some other work of his. He was extraordinary in The Sixth Sense, he did and exceptional job in Saw 2, and he was amazing in a show, which I think was unfortunately overlooked, The Kill Point. In the latter two he played a cop so, I knew he would be able to do that again. So it was intriguing for me because I wanted to see how he would do in a much more mainstream role. And he hasn't disappointed. Most of the viewers probably don't tune in for that reason, and it's not the only reason I come back, but it was the reason I showed up in the first place. Then it happened to be a good show. It has good story lines for the most part, not a big fan of the whole "Blue Templar" angle, but we'll see how that plays out. I have found interest in the generational aspects of the show, as well as just the whole family dynamics that they portray. Having no knowledge of this in the real world, I couldn't tell you if it is accurate or not, but that doesn't distract me. In fact, in brings me back. I want to see how the family relationships will grow and change. As for the actual cases, there have been one or two that really made an impression, but not as many as I would have hoped for.
             The number of reasons for watching Detroit 187 in the first place are not overwhelming, but they still reeled me in. Michael Imperioli being one, and the gritty, realistic style in which it is filmed being another. OK so only two reasons in the start, but there have been many reasons for me to continually tune in. The characters in this show all seem like real people. All people that you could know in your everyday life. I feel that the are all relatable, with relatable problems. Except for Michael Imperioli's Detective Fitch. BUT that is part of the point. Which really pulls on the right strings for me. We don't know much about him, just like his partner. We want the information and are only spoon fed a little at a time so as to not get full. I really admire that. Instead of a cop wearing everything out on their sleeve, we really can't figure out why we either like or hate him. I myself love that. Don't slap me in the face with his life, let it unfold in front of me. It makes for more involved viewing.
watch, but I would say that they are hard to tell. It's not that there are so many twists to them, it's just that they seem to tackle things that are more on the edge. Maybe that's not so. Maybe it's just that they do it in a more in your face way.
              I stated that I haven't really been into cop shows, but these new ones have had me possibly changing my mind. The ones that came before could be way better and that's fine. I'm just stating that I my self haven't given them the chance. Now that I am with the new cop shows, I have not been disappointed, and will continue to tune in. Maybe these have paved the way for me to watch the ones that I have been missing thus far. Time will tell.

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