Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fall TV

            Is it just me or are some TV shows just head and shoulders above the rest? I mean don't get me wrong there are many shows that are supposed to be great that I haven't seen, yet, but I will eventually catch up on them. However, there are other shows that I continue to watch that carry on excellence. I love to watch Dexter, Rescue Me, Family Guy, South Park, Lie to Me, The Office and others, but this fall I have had the chance to really take time to view the new shows that have appearead on my TV.          
           There are some that have been cancelled already ie. Lonestar, My Generation, and Undercovers. I can say that one of those was a great choice to cancel, (My Generation) one of those never reached the potential that I saw at first, (Undercovers), and one that had a great start but just not a great following (Lonestar).  I have also been able to follow newcomers No Ordinary Family, Detroit 187, Blue Bloods, The Event, Raising Hope, and The Walking Dead. I have truley been following these shows and must say that they have been fun to watch and constantly entertaining. I think that a show like Lonestar had just as much potential as some of these but never got the chance to shine. OK the point is that I have been satisfied by these new shows, and find myself wanting to come back the next week to watch more. BUT there is one that, I must say, has outshined all of the others, and that is The Walking Dead.
               It has been the most satisfying, the most intense, the most enthralling, and overall the one that has me constantly on edge (literally the edge of the couch) waiting to see what will happen. Not just week to week, or commercial to commercial, but scene to scene. The acting has been stellar, with every character bringing something bold and daring to the story. As well as feeling like real people fighting to cope in a time that is almost hopeless. The writing is extraordinary, with twists at the right time, as well as the story unfolding at the right time but not letting you get the chance to get comfortable with where they may be headed, because just when you think you know, think again. The directing and filming work is just plain amazing. The filming style is so gritty and raw, a feeling of intense danger waiting around every turn, in the style of 28 Days Later. The pacing of the show is what really gets you though. You are lulled into a false sense of security, and then BAM! You are reminded once again that you are involved in a Zombie Apocolypse.
         So, as you can see my pick for the best new show of the season is The Walking Dead's to lose. I have a feeling that no time soon will we see it being dethroned. Can't wait for the new episode!


  1. So I just finished this last ep of "Dexter" and here is my question: I am super happy they brought Julia Stiles onto the show (both because I adore her as a actress and because the writers have created such a complex intense amazing character that, like Dexter, you find yourself rlating to)but CAN it survive keeping her? Isn't the show, the real root of the show that he sees himself as a monster that walks among us but is nothing like us. He is misunderstood and that has been the concept from season 1. So although I think it is sooo kickass she is here, buuut is it to stay?

  2. My thoughts on this is that she cannot stay. However, that being said, this season they have opened a new door into Dexter as a person revealing that there is more to him then what Harry originally saw. Harry said it in the episode that Astor came to visit; “I’m proud of you. You protected Astor. Put yourself out there for another person. I had no idea you had that in you. I underestimated you. Assumed you were a monster, when you were capable of so much more. If I’d only seen that… maybe I wouldn’t have led you down this path.” So it makes you think, if there is a Dexter "born in blood" but learning to live with it, why can't somebody else. They are now understanding of one another and accept on another for the monsters there are.

    But I still think that she won't make it out of this season, which brings up another point about him constantly not being able to protect those he loves, which makes him feel he is a monster.

  3. Good point. It truly negates the show if he isn't walking alone (as the monster Harry saw him as whether he was right or wrong)among us. Awesome twist in story line if Luman stayed, but highly unlikely. In the end it JUST goes against the grain of what the story is about.

    P.S- Fuck Harry for just ASSUMING Dexter was a sociopath. Don't you think he should have looked into it more BEFORE training him to become a hmmmm....I dunno......S E R I E L K I L L E R????

  4. allright allright allright....

    I just finished the marathon (including finale) of Walking Dead. Now, it is time for me to thank you (well, the blog if you really think about it)....I NEVER would have found out about this show if it wasn't for you (never really follow amc shows)and thank the dear lord inhis sweet sweet glory that I did. I mean, where do I even begin? You prettt much covered it all here in this post. Say I hadn't read your view/review 1st though, and had just said my initial thoughts on this killer (hehe) breakthrough premiere season. The very first thing that punched me in the gut WAS this real cool, new way the angles, and views the camera uses. Almost like those old school horror movies, where you where you were looking THROUGH the eyes of someone...usually the killer...so when they use an angle like that looking onto the camp it just gives methe chills for real. I am so happy they decided to go this route filming...makes for a much more realistic feel.

    The second thing I would have said, would just be the bare, raw, REAL characters that I BELIEVE...the development of these characters is utterly AMAZING...the proof is in the pudding, and when I find myself soooo emotionally invested IN the people~ well that just says it all...which in this case is saying: whoever is writing this has completley got my utmost respect....so innovative...It may sound a tad cocky, but at this point, with most if all of my shows~ I am preeeetty much able to predict what's ganna happen next 90% of the time. NOT HERE. No sir. And it's a relief. I LIKE being surprised. I LIKE not knowing what is around the next corner (or as you would put it: I LIKE literally being on the edge of my seat)

    I could keep going, but you get the point. I am truly grateful for this referal. Without you, or this blog I EASILY could have missed on what may VERY WELL be this years best new show!

  5. Excellent! I'm glad that I could help put you onto this show.

  6. Do the writers admit that this is literally a take off straight from 28 Days Later?

  7. The comic was written with the idea of being able to showcase more then what they show in movies. What they wanted was to follow these people for as long as possible. In movies it has to end, and usually with people dying or going into the unknown. What they decided to do was explore that unknown for as long as they could. I'm sure they took inspiration from every zombie movie. I read that the comic book writers are big fans of the George A. Romero Day of the Dead.

    Take from what was already good and make it better!

  8. Thought you would find this interesting : http://thesocietypages.org/thickculture/2010/12/09/ill-take-zombies-over-racists-rapists-and-wife-beaters%E2%80%A6any-day/

  9. I did find this quite interesting. I can say that I never looked at it from that point of view before, as I look at it in terms of film. But what is film other then real life heightened. I look forward to watching more episodes with this new perspective. Thank you, and thanks for reading.
